Sunday, December 4, 2011

Journal #1: if I were to describe the color red to a blind man, I would explain the symbolism behind the color, seeing that the color itself is indescribable.  I would start of by telling him that red can represent love or anger and that it is the color of his blood.  I would continue to say that the color red is a color with much passion and that it is a popular color.  Red can represent the evil forces that surrounds us and red is the color of the flames from hell.
Journal #2:  Competition works in making us want to do better in anything, whether it be school, sports, or games.  Competition is necessary in order to evolve and become better.  Although, there must be a line drawn where competition becomes unhealthy.  With a healthy competition, one plays to the best of his ability, trying to overcome his opponent and if he cannot, then the competitor aspires to do better for next time.  Usually, after the end of a game or something competitive, it is respectful to shake hands to show that all is well.  When it comes to unhealthy competitors, such as me, the two will do whatever it takes to win.  Whether it would be sabotage, cheating, or resorting to violence.  For example, when I played smackdown v raw with my uncle one day, I thought I was going to beat him but he ended up beating me.  As a result, I resorted to violence and drop kicked him against the wall.  At that point, I felt that I had won because my opponent was down.  Or now a days, when I play call of duty, I tend to over kill all my opponents simply for the fun of it.
Journal #3:  something that I have learned in the classroom and integrated into my non academic life is my knowledge of the placebo effect.  Once, I was at my grandmother’s house with all of my family and friends.  As we were eating at the dinner table, my three year old cousin was complaining that her foot was hurting.  Knowing the basic concept of the placebo effect, I gave her a smarties candy, knowing that she would not recognize it.  I told her that if she ate it, her pain would go away.  Surely enough, she took it and about a half an hour later, her pain went away.  I explained to my uncle the concept of the placebo effect and he was so surprised to see its affects.  At that moment, I felt like I was the smartest child in the world, knowing that I had used something that I learned in school and applied it to my life.
Journal #4:  If I had the ability to travel back in time and be whomever I wanted to be, I would elect to be the undertaker from the world wrestling federation during the 1990’s, when he was at his best performance level.  I have chosen this man because since the first time I saw him, he became my one and only idol.  I remember I wanted to be a professional wrestler during 5th grade.  To this day, I still dream of it, and for that dream to become a reality would be amazing.  Since I would be him makes even better.  To be a seven foot monster who dominates everybody would fill my heart with joy.  I chose this person because he is like me.  He surrounds himself with darkness and speaks with a cynical tone.  His thoughts can be as sadistic as mine but the only difference is that he is allowed to show it, while I maintain it in my thoughts.  If you do not view this person as a part of history, then let me inform you that he is in the WWE hall of fame and therefore is a historical figure.  I would choose to be no other than him.  His legacy has made him one of the world’s best athletes and I admire him for that.
Journal #5:  If I were given the responsibility of deciding where 1 million dollars would go to in order to improve whatever necessary, I would send the money to Haiti.  Their economy is terrible and they have not yet recuperated from their last earthquake.  I would use the money to construct stronger buildings in case of any more attacks.  I would also use the money to provide food and fresh water to everybody.  Seeing that one million dollars won’t get far in helping with the recovery of the earthquake.  Those are the only two projects that I would choose in order to help with a global issue.  It is our duty to help those who need it the most, because we must set the example for other countries.  My second choice would be to use the money to help with the radioactive spill in Japan.  This is an issue that affects the whole world.  The fishing industry is very important in our economy and we cannot stand by and let our foods be infected with radioactive gunk.   Those two issues are of grave concern to me and that is why I choose to assist in resolving them.  We must show our unity in these troubled times and surpass them however we can.

Journal #6:  My attempts to change an area of local concern are through ocean force, which focuses on the trash that dumps into the ocean and ends up as what fish see as food.  So far, I have volunteered twice with this organization in an attempt to make a difference in my society.   Being a surfer, I found this issue really disturbing to me so during my first session with the ocean force foundation, I worked through the day picking up as much trash as I could.  If I remember correctly, I took out three tires and half a sofa from the Tijuana river valley.  As a group, we could really notice that we had made a difference for the animals living around the area.  My second time, we went to Imperial Beach and picked up any small plastics that we could find.  We did a great job cleaning up and had a marvelous time.  That is how I have taken action to make change in an issue of local significance.
Journal #7:  If I could introduce an idea to a primitive culture, I would choose to introduce them to democracy.  Seeing that it’s a primitive culture, it can be inferred that they would have no government system to follow.  In my opinion, I think democracy is the best form of government, so therefore I would teach them that.  Once that culture establishes a form of government, it will be easier to become a much more civilized culture.  From there on, they may choose to modify their government and evolve from there.  I believe that is what is needed in order to have a successful culture