Sunday, December 4, 2011

Journal #6:  My attempts to change an area of local concern are through ocean force, which focuses on the trash that dumps into the ocean and ends up as what fish see as food.  So far, I have volunteered twice with this organization in an attempt to make a difference in my society.   Being a surfer, I found this issue really disturbing to me so during my first session with the ocean force foundation, I worked through the day picking up as much trash as I could.  If I remember correctly, I took out three tires and half a sofa from the Tijuana river valley.  As a group, we could really notice that we had made a difference for the animals living around the area.  My second time, we went to Imperial Beach and picked up any small plastics that we could find.  We did a great job cleaning up and had a marvelous time.  That is how I have taken action to make change in an issue of local significance.

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