Sunday, December 4, 2011

Journal #17:  What has struck my mind lately is the status of the economy.  Knowing how bad it is, I can’t help but wonder what will become of my grandmother if she is not able to pay for her medication, seeing how the recent health care bill will not take effect until at least 2013.  I also wonder what will become of me once I graduate from college.  Whether there will be any jobs available for my profession.  As of late, my parents have considered moving back to TJ due to the economy, which would devastate me to be forced to leave and attend a school in TJ.  In the past, I dreamed of being a successful and powerful man.  But now, my dreams are difficult to see as a possibility.  I have noticed a growing number of homeless people as I drive along the freeway, with most of them saying that they are out of work.  So every day I say to myself that I will not end up like one of those people, because my only fear in this world is to fail.  I would sooner kill myself before failing miserably.   I see my mom and dad working to attain better positions in the work place so that I may continue to study here and be successful in life.  I cannot see the economy recovering any time soon, so we must learn to live with the fact that we are spiraling down.  But as my nephew says, we must look at the bright side of things.  I must guess that the bright side is that when I’m grown, houses will be a lot cheaper to buy, which saves money for other material things that I have always dreamt of like a luxury car with a “Fast and Furious,” type of look.  With the job I plan on getting, it could be a possibility.

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